

 i haven’t posted in a really long time, mostly because i have been busy but also because i didn’t really have anything to say. but now i do. and don’t worry, it’s not political. 🙃 there’s just a lot on my mind and i need somewhere to put it, and this seemed as good a place as any. recently our world has been falling a part a little. a lot. but it really struck me today that through all of that, God is still good. he’s still in complete control, which means i don’t need to have control. that’s the basic root of anxiety, wanting to have control but feeling like you don’t, because let’s be realistic, we don’t. there’s so many things we can’t control, that it becomes incredibly overwhelming and depressing. it’s hard to live in a world where you feel like your hold on control is slipping, even though you never really had control anyway. when you throw other extremely complicated human beings on top of the general chaos of life, it gets even worse. as humans we crave the love and atten...

back again.

  its been a long time since I've written anything, but i have nothing to do right now  ( other than the things i DO NOT want to do obviously) so here we are. i have no idea what I'm going to right about honestly but lets begin. weird thought #1 the saying "a touchy subject" is a touchy subject and when you're talking about not talking about a touchy subject you are talking about a touchy subject. that doesn't really make sense at all even to myself weird thought 2  what if we're eating everything we know how to eat wrong. what if God is up in heaven saying "No you fools eat the PEEL not whats in the peel!"  wait are peels technically edible? does edible mean it wouldn't kill you but might taste disgusting? or does edible mean it will taste good? i guess people will have different opinions on what tastes good though so its probably just what would kill you... time is so weird. correction I guess, how time passes and our perfection of time is ...

My favorite things

My lovely cousin Autumn tagged me again, this time a different tag that is super fun, so here's what i have to do: 💜 Thank and link back to the person who tagged me, thanks  Autumn! 💜   Thank and link back to the person who started the tag, thanks  Beth! 💜 Write about 8 of my favorite things in this post. 💜 Add at least 2 pictures or GIFS that relate to the favorite things previously mentioned^.  💜 Tag at least 8 people. ( its not going to be 8 for me, but as many as possible.) 💜 Put the 8 rules in the blog post 💜 Put the picture above in the beginning of the post^^^ 💜 Have fun! OK so.... i might end up with more than 8...;) so here you are, not in order of importance by the way... 1.   this word. its amazing, and i don't use it enough. 2.  ✝️ I AM HIS. 3. this is as close as we got to everyone being in one picture ;) I have the BEST group of friends/classmates and i love you all so much.😭 and now I'm tearing up. thanks 4.  the fam.?...

music and some other stuff

i love music. LOVE it. and im the type of person who, if I'm not concentrating on enjoying the song and really feeling it, I will replay it over and over until I can stay in the song zone the whole time. yeah its weird. i have many playlists, some of which are just film scores. I have so many artists and music genres in my library on Spotify I will probably never finish listening to it all. also, Spotify is 100% better than Pandora, by the way. so, I decided to share a few of my favorite songs/artists, and try to keep it to a minimum so you're not instantly overwhelmed by all the options, because Im honestly overwhelmed by how much i like and how much there is to listen to. Control, Zoe Wees. She is such an amazing singer and has a really cool and unique voice. this song almost made me cry, because I can identify with so much of it, having struggled with anxiety often, and I have a fear of not being in control, I HATE it.  really anything by Ali G...


YAY for you its time for another photo dump!!!!!! and some random thoughts again of course.  i went to the orthodontist the other day, and.... it was really boring honestly. i think I got lucky with my braces. not that NEEDING braces is at all lucky, *eye roll* but, I have had minimal pain throughout my needing them. I've had them for a year (WOOT! halfway through!) and sure, for the first week it was REALLYYYYY bad pain. and then the second was still bad. but since then, nothing. I've heard people say that getting them adjusted is AWFUL, but honestly after I go in its just a teensy teensy bit sore. hardly noticeable at all. not sure if that means I have a high pain tolerance ( debatable....) or that my teeth are A LOT more improved since I first went in... (FACTS: they were bad) *cringe* also, as we are nearing fall ( not really since we just started the summer but I am always looking ahead 🙃) I am getting super pumped for a new year of classes and getting my permit in Octobe...