My favorite things

My lovely cousin Autumn tagged me again, this time a different tag that is super fun, so here's what i have to do:

💜 Thank and link back to the person who tagged me, thanks Autumn!
💜  Thank and link back to the person who started the tag, thanks Beth!
💜 Write about 8 of my favorite things in this post.
💜 Add at least 2 pictures or GIFS that relate to the favorite things previously mentioned^. 
💜 Tag at least 8 people. ( its not going to be 8 for me, but as many as possible.)
💜 Put the 8 rules in the blog post
💜 Put the picture above in the beginning of the post^^^
💜 Have fun!

OK so.... i might end up with more than 8...;) so here you are, not in order of importance by the way...

this word. its amazing, and i don't use it enough.

✝️ I AM HIS.


this is as close as we got to everyone being in one picture ;)

I have the BEST group of friends/classmates and i love you all so much.😭 and now I'm tearing up. thanks

the fam.💖💖


the crazy cousin crew. love you guys. 

and yes i had to steal this from autumn post because i couldn't find it in my photos ;) 

clicking on the text suggestions and making a sentence out of it. its very entertaining, these are courtesy of autumn 😆 the first one is actually kinda cute and sweet if you think about it and I'm using it someday


 Image result for babies
     Babies!!! stealing this from autumn but seriously, BABIES. I'm considering a career in couplet care or the NICU because i love them so much. gahhhh😍😍


See the source image
humor. for obvious reasons. 

i almost put a 9 then realized i only need 8. enjoy!

i tag 

and, those are the only other bloggers i know personally, other than autumn who was already tagged.



  1. i forgot school/learning but i dont feel like going back to add it so.. here

  2. Awww. Am I one of your amazing friends.


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