back again.

 its been a long time since I've written anything, but i have nothing to do right now  ( other than the things i DO NOT want to do obviously) so here we are. i have no idea what I'm going to right about honestly but lets begin.

weird thought #1

the saying "a touchy subject" is a touchy subject and when you're talking about not talking about a touchy subject you are talking about a touchy subject. that doesn't really make sense at all even to myself

weird thought 2 

what if we're eating everything we know how to eat wrong. what if God is up in heaven saying "No you fools eat the PEEL not whats in the peel!" 

wait are peels technically edible? does edible mean it wouldn't kill you but might taste disgusting? or does edible mean it will taste good? i guess people will have different opinions on what tastes good though so its probably just what would kill you...

time is so weird. correction I guess, how time passes and our perfection of time is weird. one moment you're daydreaming about turning 16 and getting your permit and its 4 months away and the next its 8 DAYS AWAY HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN. ok i KNOW how it happens but its still crazy. next friday. GAH. I've been ready for months lets go. 👊

im not a vacation person. sad i know but im seriously not. id rather stay home and get done what i need to and continue on my normal existence. i definitely take vacations for granted *facepalm* but seriously i love my daily to weekly routine right now and vacay messed it up a little. the change of scenery is nice and all but, no place like home i guess. 

i probably shouldn't be typing at all right now my brain is really not functioning as it should... which i guess technically because humans are imperfect my brain is never functioning as it should... maybe? whoa, that's weird to think about. makes sense though, it would explain all the stupid/weird/funny but still really really stupid things people do.. anyway I cant process that right now. 

less than three months till Christmas people. im not ready, not at all. i had a Christmas song stuck in my head earlier this week( i think it was a Christmas song i cant remember) and it was weird for some reason. Christmas songs are just really weird sometimes. not the hymn ones but the other, not hymn ones. like the one where the creepy old guy is watching us constantly and knows when we're awake or asleep? just a little tiny bit creepy. 

also FYI all the not punctuated or capitalized stuff in all of my blog posts is intentional. i like the way it looks because that's how i think. no time for punctuation here folks. 

this is really short so far but i cannot think of anything else to say. give me a minute. 

my foots asleep.

oh and my ear just randomly throbbed. does that ever happen to anyone else? you get a super random pain and its kinda frightening sometimes but funny at the same time. 

do dogs laugh at us like we laugh at them? or animals in general i guess. we laugh at pets for doing funny things all the time but they witness us do even funnier and stupider things all the time but do they understand it? basically, my question is DO ANIMALS HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR? God certainly does. i cant think of an example off the top of my head currently(of course) but seriously some things that happen in life? hilarious. also really not hilarious depending what it is nut hilarious to everyone else.



  1. You have no idea how much excitement it caused me to see the email notification for another post.

  2. Ahh yay!!!! Oh my crazy isn't it!?!? FRIDAY!?!?! 😲🥰

    Ugh I know I was thinking about that, and seriously I am so not ready for Christmas yet either!! Parts of it I'm looking forward to but I'm soooo not ready for winter!!

    Haha, yes those throbs are the worst!!!

    Sometimes it seems like animals do have a sense of humor!! *winks* Haha yes there are so many hilarious moments where it's just like WOW God, did you just do that for a good laugh?!? 😂

  3. I love your posts!! Its crazy that its almost Christmas and I'm totally not ready either. Idk but I think animals have a sense of humor. Even if we can't see them laughing at us I think they do 🤣


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