YAY for you its time for another photo dump!!!!!! and some random thoughts again of course.

i went to the orthodontist the other day, and.... it was really boring honestly. i think I got lucky with my braces. not that NEEDING braces is at all lucky, *eye roll* but, I have had minimal pain throughout my needing them. I've had them for a year (WOOT! halfway through!) and sure, for the first week it was REALLYYYYY bad pain. and then the second was still bad. but since then, nothing. I've heard people say that getting them adjusted is AWFUL, but honestly after I go in its just a teensy teensy bit sore. hardly noticeable at all. not sure if that means I have a high pain tolerance ( debatable....) or that my teeth are A LOT more improved since I first went in... (FACTS: they were bad) *cringe*
also, as we are nearing fall ( not really since we just started the summer but I am always looking ahead 🙃) I am getting super pumped for a new year of classes and getting my permit in October and starting an official job since I will be 16 and "eligible for hire" I guess you could say. so, because I'm nearing 16 (I AM BEYOND EXCITED GUYS) I've been thinking about buying a car, and honestly finances scare me a little since im not the greatest at saving money and not spending it. no, actually not true, im -pretty good at it. but still. a car is a big expense.
i love honda civics, and according to my dad, they run FOREVER so that's my ideal car. also, this blue is amazing.
also this gray. now these are obviously newer models, but still basically the same design. *heart eyes*
and now that I've started looking at used honda civics, im seeing them EVERYWHERE. no joke, they just appear on the road. yes, yes, I KNOW, that's where cars are, but still. out of all the models out there, civics just boom, appear. its weird. anyway
this is probably what it would look like if i got a honda civic because obviously newer models are more expensive. but STILL! im not sure what it is but i love these cars.
also i love BMWs, but unfortunately for us, that stands for BIG MONEY WASTER( my dad came up with that) because the one we owned, while GORGEOUS, was very unreliable and had many problems, and honestly BMWs are just that.... kinda a problem. *shrugs*
k but i love them. again, not sure why, i just do.
this is the model we had. i love that money waster...
one more.
i also love volvos, which is what we currently own,and its amazing. no issues, runs beautifully and it will be what i learn to drive in and im so excited because its the best.
anyway.... 😜
GUYS. raw hotdogs are AMAZING
no wait let me rephrase that. do not be alarmed
unheated hotdogs are AMAZING.
there. they are not raw, since hot dogs are precooked ( at least the ones I eat) and they're just cold. im not sure why but I love them like that. and no, I don't just go into the fridge and eat literally whatever is there. NO. nonheated hotdogs are used as dog treats sometimes, and I cut them up. it takes awhile and i get hungry so there.
photo dump time, my fingers are tired.
i am a Slytherin and proud of it 🤣
ill be completely honest, i have never read a full Harry Potter book, but im working on the first one. also, this art style is the best^
cartooned me and my sister for fun...
FAKE blood, by the way. we are extremely good at it ;)
they are so cute
he likes to wedge himself under the cabinet and sleep... not sure how that's comfortable but you do you buddy...
Also, i realized i never properly introduced Tannenbaum ^.
He is an assistance dog in training with Phonenix Assitance dogs, and is... ummm... 7 months ish.
this was supposed to go up with the other photo but it moved and it didn't feel like arguing with it.
all these are from camping with my sister and cousin autumn, who also has her own blog but i cant remember the exact URL so ill try to get it in the comments later, or i think you can find it on my profile since i follow it... im not sure. anyway, they're the best :)
not completely sure how this started, but i was texting in french and my cousin (autumns brother) was translating things into french and sending them and he came up with this. we died 🤣🤣
and YES i had to translate that because even though i consider myself to be proficient enough in french, this was crazy complicated native speaker level. ;)have you ever just randomly clicked on the text suggestions that pop up on phones? autumn and i had a session of this back forth and i saved this because i thought it was kinda sweet, and FYI if i say it to you, its a good thing. ;)
hehehe... honestly.... idk
bye for now! im off to play WII sports with my siblings... should be interesting
This was so fun, Alivia! 😆
ReplyDeletethanks! im glad you enjoyed it!
DeleteSAME with the braces thing! I never got what the big deal was (except at the very first). In fact, I kind of missed them for a while when I got them off... But same for school too. High school has me very excited. I'm soooo ready for some really hard subjects. And BMW's are super classy. My brother has one, and it's so nice. This was fully enjoyable to read.
ReplyDeletei can totally see myself missing them eventually too. right?! theyre the BEST and merci mon cheri <3
DeleteAhh yes, camping was amazing!! ❤❤
ReplyDeleteAnd ahhh!!!!! 16 is just around the corner!!🥳🥳 I honestly have no idea what car I will look for..... I guess you are a step ahead of me. :)
And wow!! How in the? That blood seriously scared me for a minute. Please tell my brother how to make that, cause he uses red paint in his videos and its um.... 😂
haha its super simple! Corn starch, corn syrup, and red food dye/coloring. and IKR its scary real looking.