up late and bored.

haha yeah. i didn't go to bed. surprised? if you know me well, probably not. i'm such a night owl its kinda not good, but at the same time i love my sleeps so it just depends on the night and my mood. tonight, obviously, i am not tired in the least and my brain is overactive so even if i DID try to sleep, i'd be tossing and turning for a few hours and thats not fun so here i am, making my brain more active and then eventually i'll crash. hopefully not in the middle of writing this. and now i cant think of anything to talk about.... oh wait. here we go a got something. some more wonderful information that you will most certainly use. 

How to survive being a human around other humans.

1. always, always, be yourself, because thats the role you can fulfill best, and everyone else is taken, and ahem some of us think its weird when you try to be us.
2. THINK BEFORE YOU DO STUFF. this is kinda not a rule because, heh, well, i dont follow it. i am extremely impulsive to the point i do things and then wonder if that was even me... yeah, it gets that crazy. i swear, that one time, with the wall and ladder? totally my alter ego. 
3. try not to scream randomly, loudly and/or for a long time. again, ha yes ive done this and still do, but, BUT, hear me out, I ALWAYS get told to be quiet. so avoid this as it can be kinda embarrassing and just uncool. 
4. be cool. never be uncool. that simple. 
5. save the turbles. not the turtles, they suck, the TURBLES.

THAT my friends, is a turble. and they need saving. 
6. NO hydroflasks. EVER. 
7. bathroom selfies are weird, but hey the bathroom has the best lighting in the whole house.
8. the best friends are those who see you at your craziest and weirdest and still can look you in the eyeballs and carry a normal conversation with you. 
9. if you roll your eyes hard enough, you might find a brain back there. 
10. its ok to cry. really, it is. just not in front of me if youre one of those ugly criers because to be honest, i always laugh at those. 
11. watch Knives Out. it will change your life.
12. just go for it. anything, whatever it is, go for it. do it. do it all. this very much contradicts number 2 but so what. do it, and thinking first is optional. YOLO people, YO-LO.
13. come to me for advice. i give great advice sometimes, but mostly i love hearing stories of stupid humans.
14. hmm 14 maybe i should stop soon.
15. dont look back. easier said than done i know, but if you sleep wrong on your neck you seriously WILL NOT be able to look back. 
16. live life everyday like it might be your last. so dont think super hard before you do stuff.
17. saturdays are for sleeping in, unless you have things to do, then get to work bright and early.
18. playing fortnite by yourself is lonely, not that i have a lot of personal experience, because i have friends but there ya go. really any video game/online gamey thing is boring by yourself actually.
19. its ok to have a heart and be vulnerable. i have personal experience on this one.... yes surprise surprise alivia has a heart. im not all dry humor and savage roasting. i cry for movies, words hurt, all that jazz. and its ok. so have a heart every now and then, even if its kinda scary. 
20. ummm.. stay up late. its fun and you can get stuff done.

ok im really done now, so goodnight (eventually) for real.


  1. Yes everyone. Please save the turtles. They need our help.

    1. Sorry that should have been TURBLES. Autocorrect does not seem to like turbles....

  2. how can autocorrect not like turbles?!? they're awesome. ;)


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