The beginning.

So, yes, I have started another blog. Why? Mostly because I honestly think you don't have enough of my opinion even though I randomly scream it into your face, but also because I need somewhere to put my thoughts or else I WILL EXPLODE, and I am really bad at journaling. So here's a blog just for my random, kinda weird, sometimes brilliant but mostly rambly thoughts. You're welcome. Anyway, today I thought I'd enlighten you to the types of humor according to me, enjoy, and thank me later for your immense newfound wisdom. 


Stupid funny- it's not really funny and its mostly stupid, and somehow i laugh, mostly when on a sugar( possibly pepsi) high or really tired. or in the rare case that i like you and dont want to offend you by not laughing. 

Dark humor- usually involving death or painful dismemberment and for some reason its funny. you wouldnt laugh if it was you now would you?

Dry humor- you say something funny, whilst not making a funny face or laughing AT ALL. kinda hard but amazingly entertaining when executed correctly. can only be done by those most skilled at not-taking-themselves-too-seriously. i am quite good at this when i want to be. 

What even?!- when someone trys to be funny without adhering to any type of humor and maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. it probably won't, but you can try.

Cocky humor- blowing up yourself and your abilities( usually not literally but if i happened to witness that it might become my new favorite type of humor) so you seem awesome, or more awesome. you can either do this with a little stupid funny so people know your joking, mix it with some dry humor to make it a mystery and more entertaining( my style) or you can just go with it and hope you dont look like an idiot, though depending who you are, theres no helping that.

self-deprecating humor- i personally dont like to do this, its too risky and also, well duh im too amazing so its impossible. basically, make yourself look like an idiot. its funny, because honestly its mostly true if youre resorting to self-deprecating. 

tired funny- at this point you dont even know whats being said much less if its actually funny, so, you just laugh. if you know me well youve most likely seen me at this point.

Sarcasm- ok so this is MY definition right? so i'm calling it like it is: the type of humor only very wonderfully awesome and totally cool people use because they're the only ones who understand it. basically, the language of the eloquent, my native tongue.

went back to add:

crude humor-often PG-13 and NSFW. often in Marvel movies. very funny when used right, though my mom doesnt like that i like it. ;)

socially awkward humor- the one guy who trys so hard to be funny, and fails miserably. yeah, we all know that guy.

mr. perfect humor- the guy who is so popular and well-liked it doesnt matter what they say, people laugh. i can be this way, but usually my level of humor is too high for most, so i cannot accomplish this. 

dad jokes- ugh can we not? 

puns- i hate these. skip

and thats it. if you think of a type of humor i missed, hit me up in the comments and let me know. thanks, and goodnight. 


  1. No one:

    Alivia: "So yes, I have started another blog. Why?"

    Everyone: who cares why. Thank you for starting another blog.



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