for the record im not completely crazy.

yes, I thought of something else. kinda. ish. not really but itll work.

actually no i didnt think of anything, so here i am writing a post thing without an idea of what to talk about sooooo...... it will end up being a bunch of my thoughts. enjoy.

why when youre sad does automatically seem like everyone hates you? maybe it just me, but when im down it seems the world is against me, which doesnt completely make sense. sometimes it does, but usually its just... not sensical.

sometimes the anticipation of an event is better than the event itself. something ive noticed over the past few years. thankfully its usually not true and the event itself is amazing but sometimes...

i love eyes. i have an almost obsession with them. if ive been around you at least 2 times and enjoy being around you ( this is important because if i DONT why would i care what your eye color is? im just trying to get you to leave me alone) then chances are i have memorized your eye color and can call up a mental picture of it right now. its weird i know, but i have stored up many mental pictures of peoples eye colors, mostly unconsciously, and somenes eyes are sometimes one of the first things i notice about a person. actually, no. not the first thing, but a close second or third. again, only if you dont annoy me, because then why would i want to make eye contact. as im writing this i can see about 4 peoples eyes in my mind which is actually pretty weird and creepyyyyy now that i think about it... 

I notice little things about people, like the eyes. smiles, tics, slightly quirky unique things that make people different. if you ask me i could tell you 2-5 things, maybe more depending on how often im around you. this is also slightly creepy and its not a consistent thing, im not always super observant, but i do pick up on these things from time to time.   

milk is kinda weird but also good and depending on the day i either like it or cant stand it. same with bread actually. 

seafood is amazing, so if you dont like it try it again.

Italian, Thai, and Ethiopian food are all better than anything American. 

my cat thinks shes a dog, and my dog thinks hes a human. HELP

need a good, therapeutic way to relieve stress? scream as loud as you can and throw yourself on the floor. yes THROW. let me know how it goes.

i love studying personalities, so if i know you well enough, (or not that well even) i have most likely put you in some personality category, based solely on my opinion and bias, its incredibly accurate obviously. 

im going to stop talking about me because i dont want to spill too many of my secrets. ;)

but, i will give relationship advice because im very very very good at it. heres the number one thing:
dont come to me for advice. if you DO you must be incredibly desperate, id go to even the internet before me, though i do have my moments of social genius, i may or may not be helpful or practical. 

if i could i would take all the kids out of foster care and adopt them myself. because thats so feasible and all...

i really really really do not like people beating around the bush with me, its incredibly annoying and SUSPENSEFUL. if you have something to tell me SAY IT before i bite your head off with impatience. which actually would not help the situation because then you would not be physically able to tell me, but you get the idea. just be upfront all the time and we'll be fine.

humans are so weird. really really weird. and complicated. and annoying. and ugh. and complete idiots. but its ok, usually, because in the end, humans are also the best. sometimes. ( not sure why i said humans instead of people like im not one but hey maybe im not...)

good books should always be made into movies, EXACTLY the way they were as books. unless that would be weird or mess with the story line then sure, change some things.

all the rich people should work together and feed all the hungry.

ketchup should be rationed. 

raisins should stay grapes. 

all music should be free to download.

every house should have a porch swing. 

every house should have a pool and 5 acres.

slushies should be only a cent

and libraries should always be open. 24/7

i should stop writing at some point...

im not sure at all what this post is about, just some random stuffs but i hope you enjoyed it anyway. next time im planning to talk about... wait no i dont plan. ill think of something. goodbye for now



  1. It's my favourite. My favourite. People, ugh, yes. Good books being made into movies, yes. Taking all the kids out of foster care? An amazing idea. The rich should totally work together to feed the poor. Good books should be made into movies. Raisins, porch swings, libraries, slushies, yes, yes, yes, and yes. That you should stop writing. Well, no. Can't agree on that one. It should have been longer. Well done.


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