
Showing posts from May, 2020

for the record im not completely crazy.

yes, I thought of something else. kinda. ish. not really but itll work. actually no i didnt think of anything, so here i am writing a post thing without an idea of what to talk about sooooo...... it will end up being a bunch of my thoughts. enjoy. why when youre sad does automatically seem like everyone hates you? maybe it just me, but when im down it seems the world is against me, which doesnt completely make sense. sometimes it does, but usually its just... not sensical. sometimes the anticipation of an event is better than the event itself. something ive noticed over the past few years. thankfully its usually not true and the event itself is amazing but sometimes... i love eyes. i have an almost obsession with them. if ive been around you at least 2 times and enjoy being around you ( this is important because if i DONT why would i care what your eye color is? im just trying to get you to leave me alone) then chances are i have memorized your eye color and can call up a mental pictur...

words that should be words and aren't

actually the title might be lying a little. this will not just be words that should be words and aren't, but a bunch of random things that should be things and aren't, and also things that ARE and shouldn't be. alivition-named after me of course, this is when the last letter of a word and the first letter of the next word are the same. example: i lovE Elephants. scvert- a way of moving thats a walk, crossed with a scoot, crossed with a vert, with a dash of running.  deasness- death basically. my little brother came up with this one and im starting to like it. most commonly used in this way: "and i will smack your face to deasness and you die." way stuck- we can all use this one. its when youre a. super annoyed b. super bored c. super confused d. super tired or e. super close to death. basically, youre stuck, but not just stuck WAY stuck. ninche- a form of hand to hand combat, usually involving a lot of screaming and laughing, and sometimes actual pain. foots- plur...

up late and bored.

haha yeah. i didn't go to bed. surprised? if you know me well, probably not. i'm such a night owl its kinda not good, but at the same time i love my sleeps so it just depends on the night and my mood. tonight, obviously, i am not tired in the least and my brain is overactive so even if i DID try to sleep, i'd be tossing and turning for a few hours and thats not fun so here i am, making my brain more active and then eventually i'll crash. hopefully not in the middle of writing this. and now i cant think of anything to talk about.... oh wait. here we go a got something. some more wonderful information that you will most certainly use.  How to survive being a human around other humans. 1. always, always, be yourself, because thats the role you can fulfill best, and everyone else is taken, and ahem some of us think its weird when you try to be us. 2. THINK BEFORE YOU DO STUFF. this is kinda not a rule because, heh, well, i dont follow it. i am extremely impulsive to the poi...

the beginning, part 2.

Its 9:45 PM, and i am very bored so i decided to put my opinion on the latest fashion trends on here, because thats what this blog is for. i just searched lastest fashion trends 2020 so heres what i got: Ok, what even.... its one color. just ONE. even the purse is the same color, just a different shade! if this doesnt say "too lazy to match colors so i went with one" i dont know what does. or maybe this person loves blue.... still. its too much of one color.  first thoughts, ow my eyes. whats with all the little things hanging off? are those to fidget with if you get bored?  lady bug vibes coming from this one..... not a huge fan of dots of any kind on clothes, but its ok.  looks like people out of the Capitol from the Hunger Games series, and thats not a good thing. what i dont get is, are they expecting people to WANT to wear these for everyday life? imagine how uncomfortable that would be, not to mention the weird looks everyone would give you. unless we were ALL weari...

The beginning.

So, yes, I have started another blog. Why? Mostly because I honestly think you don't have enough of my opinion even though I randomly scream it into your face, but also because I need somewhere to put my thoughts or else I WILL EXPLODE, and I am really bad at journaling. So here's a blog just for my random, kinda weird, sometimes brilliant but mostly rambly thoughts. You're welcome. Anyway, today I thought I'd enlighten you to the types of humor according to me, enjoy, and thank me later for your immense newfound wisdom.  TYPES OF HUMOR. Stupid funny- it's not really funny and its mostly stupid, and somehow i laugh, mostly when on a sugar( possibly pepsi) high or really tired. or in the rare case that i like you and dont want to offend you by not laughing.  Dark humor- usually involving death or painful dismemberment and for some reason its funny. you wouldnt laugh if it was you now would you? Dry humor- you say something funny, whilst not making a funny face or lau...