
Showing posts from June, 2020

music and some other stuff

i love music. LOVE it. and im the type of person who, if I'm not concentrating on enjoying the song and really feeling it, I will replay it over and over until I can stay in the song zone the whole time. yeah its weird. i have many playlists, some of which are just film scores. I have so many artists and music genres in my library on Spotify I will probably never finish listening to it all. also, Spotify is 100% better than Pandora, by the way. so, I decided to share a few of my favorite songs/artists, and try to keep it to a minimum so you're not instantly overwhelmed by all the options, because Im honestly overwhelmed by how much i like and how much there is to listen to. Control, Zoe Wees. She is such an amazing singer and has a really cool and unique voice. this song almost made me cry, because I can identify with so much of it, having struggled with anxiety often, and I have a fear of not being in control, I HATE it.  really anything by Ali G...


YAY for you its time for another photo dump!!!!!! and some random thoughts again of course.  i went to the orthodontist the other day, and.... it was really boring honestly. i think I got lucky with my braces. not that NEEDING braces is at all lucky, *eye roll* but, I have had minimal pain throughout my needing them. I've had them for a year (WOOT! halfway through!) and sure, for the first week it was REALLYYYYY bad pain. and then the second was still bad. but since then, nothing. I've heard people say that getting them adjusted is AWFUL, but honestly after I go in its just a teensy teensy bit sore. hardly noticeable at all. not sure if that means I have a high pain tolerance ( debatable....) or that my teeth are A LOT more improved since I first went in... (FACTS: they were bad) *cringe* also, as we are nearing fall ( not really since we just started the summer but I am always looking ahead 🙃) I am getting super pumped for a new year of classes and getting my permit in Octobe...

pizza kinda sucks and other thoughts

yes, you read that right. probably my most unpopular opinion out of all my unpopular opinions, of which there are quite a few. im not sure why, but i started to not like pizza very much, maybe because we eat it almost every friday night and it got to be too much, or maybe because i had the most amazing chinese once and now i cant eat anything less in quality? i dont know. but im sick of pizza and realizing that its honestly not that good. also, i can hardly eat two pieces. i used to be able to eat three or more but that was when i was growing and im not anymore. *eye roll* dreams are weird, and if youre a mostly normal human who dreams at night you probably realized that. theyre also fascinating. scientists still dont really know all that much about dreams, along with most of the human brain, which I think is really interesting and also proof that we arent near as smart as we like to think. after all, we cant even completely understand OURSELVES, so we shouldn't claim to have even ...