My favorite things
My lovely cousin Autumn tagged me again, this time a different tag that is super fun, so here's what i have to do: 💜 Thank and link back to the person who tagged me, thanks Autumn! 💜 Thank and link back to the person who started the tag, thanks Beth! 💜 Write about 8 of my favorite things in this post. 💜 Add at least 2 pictures or GIFS that relate to the favorite things previously mentioned^. 💜 Tag at least 8 people. ( its not going to be 8 for me, but as many as possible.) 💜 Put the 8 rules in the blog post 💜 Put the picture above in the beginning of the post^^^ 💜 Have fun! OK so.... i might end up with more than 8...;) so here you are, not in order of importance by the way... 1. this word. its amazing, and i don't use it enough. 2. ✝️ I AM HIS. 3. this is as close as we got to everyone being in one picture ;) I have the BEST group of friends/classmates and i love you all so much.😠and now I'm tearing up. thanks 4. the fam.?...